Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Beyond the Selfie

   Artist Statement

    I joined photography one because when I was young I always watched my dad take photos and it always interested me. He's no professional but they always came out so amazing and I always wanted to do what he was doing. As I got older I started to take pictures like him and showed people and they always told me they were amazing and I could be a photographer one day. I've always had the passion and when I learned about this Photo 1 class I knew I had to take it. Over the course of the semester I learned there is a lot more to each photo than meets the eye. I learned how much effort it takes to make a photo come out how you really want it to and how much more complicated photoshop is than I originally thought. Photography helped me learn that I am more creative than I let myself believe and it helped me really bring it out. It showed me I can really do it if I put my heart to it and just keep trying. 
    A challenge this semester was learning how to really push myself and my editing skills. I learned a lot and hope to remember it all and use it for future photos. I think my favorite projects that I did were the macro, leading lines, silhouettes, and cherry blossoms. I loved how all of those photos came out and am proud of them to this day. But if any, I would redo the scavenger hunt because I know I could have found better things for some of the words. In my final project I symbolized how I sometimes feel invisible to others, I have felt more claustrophobic as I have gotten older, my love for nature, and how I am trying to escape my demons. Each thing means a lot to me in its own way and that is why I have done these, even if some may be a bit personal. These images represent me and how I feel on a daily basis. They represent my struggles and one of the things that make me feel better. They are a part of me. When someone looks at these, I want them to feel how I have struggled through my life but know that I am still here today and I am still fighting these battles each day. I want them to know that they can make it.
    I would tell a future student to really push their limits and think outside the box. I would tell them that there is no "Wrong" photo for an assignment and it is all in how they interpret it. I would tell them they would be surprised at how creative they can really be if they really put their minds to it. 

Feeling Invisible

Love of Nature 
Escaping From My Demons

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